In a brutal and terrorist crime, the Janjaweed militia today carried out a horrific massacre by bombing the Sabirin Market in Karari District during peak hours when it was crowded with shoppers. The death toll has so far exceeded 60 civilians, including women and children, with a large number injured. It is clear that the market was deliberately targeted with the intent of causing the highest possible number of civilian casualties.
This atrocious massacre comes just one week after a similar slaughter committed by the terrorist RSF militia at the Saudi Maternity Hospital in Al-Fashir, where 70 patients, the majority of whom were women and children, were killed. It also follows a similar crime just days earlier in the rural areas of Um Kadada, in addition to dozens of massacres carried out in the villages of Al-Gazira.
The RSF terrorist militia continues to escalate its crimes, directing its military machine towards defenseless civilians following repeated defeats in military confrontations with the Sudanese Armed Forces, Joint Forces, and support units. This terrorist extortion is employed by the militia to exploit the misguided approach of international parties who portray the conflict as a mere clash between two factions thereby presenting the militia as a political entity to be engaged with, rather than recognizing it as a terrorist group that the international community must unite against to eradicate the threat it poses.
The Security Council and Western powers, therefore, bear responsibility for the continued massacres by the terrorist militia, as they respond to these atrocities with mere verbal condemnations while turning a blind eye to the militia’s regional sponsors, who supply it with long-range artillery and strategic drones to carry out these slaughters.